Activities & Resources
January 2021
Pathways Department
The PMLD Department
Coronavirus Social Story
Sensory Strategies For Parents
Easter Activities
Key Stage 3 Activities
Key Stage 3/4 & FE - Group X
Key Stage 3/4 & FE - Group Y
FE - Life Skills
Alternative non worksheet based learning activities
Identify/name the object i.e. table, chair, sink fridge etc.
What sound does the word begin with, t for table, d for dog
Describe an object
How do you spell?
How many items can you find beginning with the letters; a,b,c,d, etc.
Sort objects into groups colour, size, pens , pencils, knives, forks spoons etc
Count objects, coins etc
Name coins, add coins
Life skills
Lay the table
Clean the table
Wash up
Dry up
Put equipment away
Get equipment out
Make bed
Sort washing into whites, coloured, black etc.
Pair socks
Write a list
Help cook dinner
Make a sandwich
PMLD Parent challenge:
Each day try and find a minimum of two things for the student to see, hear, smell, touch and taste.
What interesting things can they SEE?
What interesting sounds can they HEAR?
What different things can they SMELL each day?
What different things can I TOUCH?
(Remember I can touch with my feet, face, arms and back, not just my hands)
What can I TASTE?
Physiotherapy Information
For those who have physio therapy plans, 30 minutes a day can be hugely beneficial.
It is also advised to give a change of position every 2 hours including sitting, lying on their back, side lying and lying on their tummy.
By receiving physio stretches it creates an opportunity to experience different positions which is very important. It also strengthen the muscles which supports mobility and control.
Not only does Physiotherapy relieve stress, tension and pain and is an excellent opportunity for 1:1 time! You can be inventive and create different environments for this special time too.. a disco room, a beach in the sunshine.. have fun!
For anyone known to the Physiotherapy team you are able to contact them on 01582 346 000 should you have any concerns.
Mindfulness Guide for PMLD
Cooking at Home
30 Day Homework Challenge
Free Resources to Print and Use
Twinkl is a site we use in School, in response to the coronavirus, Twinkl is offering Twinkl Ultimate free for a month, to help keep children learning at home. Visit create a free account and enter the code PARENTSTWINKLHELPS to set up your free month of Twinkl Ultimate.
As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to spread worldwide, HelpKidzLearn wants to ensure that teachers and students stay connected and children continue their learning at home with minimum disruption. Here is a list of resources available for parents to use at home during this period and beyond: HelpKidzLearn - Free
Widgit Online
To make symbols for students we use Widget Online. Widget is offering a free 21-day trial which might be useful to you if your child is not able to come to school but needs symbol support. If you would like to know more follow the link
Interactive Online Activities
Activities Online British Council - Listen & Watch British Council - Read & Write
Colouring online
Get active Exercise with Joe Wicks - YouTube Oti Mabuse Dance for Kids - YouTube Just Dance Playlist - YouTube Go Noodle Playlist - YouTube Go Noodle - (Account needed)
Songs to Sing to The Learning Station Playlist - Youtube Improvise Approach - Downloadable Music
Animal Watching! |
Activities to Print I Spy I Spy With My Little Eye Activity
Shapes Name the 2D Shape PowerPoint Quiz
Money & Coins
Telling the Time Clocks
Colouring to Print