Eco Schools
The Woodlands students are proudly committed to sustainability, with our student derived Eco Code, 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle,' at the heart of our school ethos.
We have an active Eco-Council who have achieved the Green Flag for two years running, more recently with Merit accreditation. Student voice is at the heart of the council and every year the students choose and action the three areas they want to work on.
We have achieved many things in our time active at the school. Please click on the links below to see some of our previous years, 'Wows,' and what exciting projects we are currently working on for this academic year.
Woodlands has achieved the Eco Schools Green Flag award with Distinction!
The Eco Committee 2023-2024, made up of students from across the school, spent a year working on some wonderful actions including developing recycling, a whole school movement challenge and working in our local community developing green spaces.
Eco Schools praised our work and said they were 'astounded' by our application. Huge well done to current and former students- Justine, Inaaya, Alexander, Ryan, Abdul, Katelyn, Sanya and James.
We have a new council ready and elected for this academic year. In the next few weeks we will decide on our new goals for 2024-2025!
Keep checking in on our webpage to see all the wonderful work we do:
Woodlands Eco Code