Meet the Governors
Priorities for Governors- At a glance
Name: Sandra Clarke
Position: Headteacher
Skill/Areas of Interest: Special Needs Education; Post-school opportunities
Previous Employment:
2021 - Present - Headteacher - Woodlands Secondary School
2012 - 2021 - Deputy Head - Woodlands Secondary School
2008 - 2012 - Deputy Head - St John's Special School, Kempston
2000 - 2008 - Senior Teacher - Lady Zia Wernher School
1997 - 1999 - Head of Year - Putteridge Junior School
1992 - 1997 - Design Technology Co-ordinator - William Austin Junior School
Hobbies: swimming, reading, crafting, travelling, socialising
Name: Nadeem Butt
Position: Parent Governor, Chair of Governors, member of Curriculum Committee
Skills/ Area of interest: Wellbeing, Behaviour, Curriculum, Life Skills
Employment: Solicitor
Hobbies: Family, friends and football!
Name: Sam Batchelor
Position: Parent Governor, member of Curriculum Committee, Health and Safety Governor
Skills/Areas of Interest: Health and Safety
Employment: stay at home mum
Hobbies: socialising, travelling, walking
Name: Steve Gibbs
Position: Co-opted Governor, member of Curriculum committee
Skills/Area of interest: Strategic Leadership, Education and SEN, Equality and Diversity
Employment: Retired. Previously manager for Post Office Ltd. Adult Education teacher. Casual Exams invigilator
Hobbies: Travel, rugby, golf, politics - member of Labour Party
Name: Adil Khan
Position: Co-opted Governor
Skills/ Interests: Programme/project management, Strategic planning, Risk/Cost management, community engagement.
Employment: Over 26 years of technical and program/project management experience (as a freelance consultant) at global finance, insurance, banking, consulting, and telecoms companies in the US, UK, Europe, APAC, and Gulf countries.
Hobbies: World history, Movies, Travelling
Name: Caroline Lowry
Position: Deputy Head Teacher, Associate Governor
Skill/Areas of Interest: I have a particular interest in the school curriculum and promoting functional learning, life skills and independence skills.
Previous Employment:
1999 - 2001 Adina School, Brighton, class teacher
2001 - 2004 Five Springs School - music coordinator
2013 - 2021 Woodlands Secondary School
· 2013 - 2017 Class teacher
· 2018 - 2021 Assistant Head Teacher
Hobbies: I love gardening, baking, going to the gym and spending time with my family and friends.
Name: Robert Parker
Position: Co-opted Governor, Chair of Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee, Member of Pay Committee
Skills/Area of Interest: Finance, strategic direction, accountability
Employment: Finance Director of Biogen UK, a renewable energy company. Previously held a number of commercially focused finance roles within Volkswagen Group UK
Hobbies: Running, cycling, swimming, good food, travelling and larking about with my 2 children
Governor Name: Kerry Rees
Position: Co-opted Governor, Safeguarding Governor.
Skills/Areas of Interest: Post 16 and Post 18, PMLD, ensuring the ‘voice’ of the young people is heard.
Employment: Previously employed at Luton Council as the Transition Team Manager until November 2016. Now self-employed and supporting children and adults with complex needs.
Other Initiatives: Makaton Tutor, Crafter, Advocator
Hobbies: Costa coffee, crocheting, theatre/cinema, shopping, chatting.
Name: Helen Rolfe
Position: Staff Governor and Vice Chair of Curriculum Committee. Responsible for Governor training.
Skills/Areas of Interest: Special Needs Education
Employment: Class teacher, Woodlands Secondary School
Other initiatives: I have past experience of safer recruitment through many years of scouting and understand the importance of keeping young people safe.
Hobbies: Walking my dog in the countryside, growing flowers and vegetables in my garden, and enjoying my caravan with my family.
Name: Shagufta Shahin
Position: Co-opted Governor; Chair of Curriculum Committee
Areas of interest: Managing and developing curriculum
Previous employment: Qualified teacher of English, ESOL and Functional Skills. Worked in Senior management positions in colleges across London. Formerly the Vice Principal at Barnfiled College. Trained as an additional inspector for Ofsted. Educational Consultant in the FE sector.
Other: Currently retired but a very active grandmother
Name: Mike Smith
Position: Co-opted Governor, Vice Chair of Governors, member of Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee, Chair of Pay Committee, member of Headteacher's Appraisal Committee.
Skills/Areas of interest: KPIs, financial management, governance strategy, accountability,
Employment: Database programmer
Hobbies: cycling, running, rock climbing, photography
Name: Robert Roche
Position: LA Governor
Skills/ Interests Local authority finance
Employment: Elected member for Northwell Ward and Portfolio Holder for Finance, Revenue and Benefits.
Other initiatives: Active member of community, partnering with many local organisations
Hobbies: A keen Luton Town Supporter. I love watching Test Match Cricket, reading, and listening to music.
Name: Cathy Weedon
Position: Co-opted Governor
Skills and Interests: Pedagogy, Fairness and Equlaity
Employment: Disability Support Worker, family property business.