Outreach, Training and Specialist Services
Outreach, Training and Specialist Services
What Type of Support is Available?
Outreach support utilises the knowledge and skills of staff working at Woodlands Secondary School to offer advice and support to colleagues working with pupils with severe and complex needs, in other schools and settings.
The purpose of Outreach is to support the development of the receiving school, or setting’s, own expertise and resources in order to meet the special educational needs of individual pupils or groups of pupils.
Outreach takes different forms. The main types of support available from Woodlands are:
- Advice and support regarding individual pupil’s needs and curriculum adaptations and provision, accreditation, etc.
- Opportunities for teachers and support staff to visit Woodlands to view specialist resources and/or observe/ discuss teaching strategies and approaches.
- Training sessions and/or contributing to staff meetings on a range of topics relevant to teaching pupils with complex learning needs.
Training is currently offered on the following issues:
- Behaviour management and positive handling -Team Teach (only for LA schools)
- Communication
- Moving and Handling
- Pool Rescue
- Rebound training
- Opportunities for students to participate in learning alongside students from Woodlands e.g. cooking or meal preparation sessions, community access, gardening, clubs, etc.
Who can access Outreach Support?
Outreach support is available to all education providers in Luton, from preschool to post-16 providers, subject to capacity.
How can schools access Outreach Support?
Initial requests for outreach support or queries should be addressed to the school who will advise you of any particular forms that need to be submitted
Please contact the school by email and with the subject line: ‘Outreach query’
Email schooloffice@woodlands.luton.sch.uk
Once a referral has been agreed, the Woodlands staff will liaise with the other relevant professionals before arranging an initial visit to the school. During the initial visit the programme of support to be offered, including reports and follow-up visits or staff training, will be agreed and subsequently confirmed in writing.
Is there a charge for Outreach Support?
There is usually no cost to Local Authority schools/providers.
A charge may be made for work with Academies or other independent providers.
If students from other schools access sessions at Woodlands there is an expectation that the home school sends accompanying support staff. However, placements are entirely subject to capacity at Woodlands.
All schools/providers will be expected to make appropriate staff (SENCO and/or class teacher and/or support staff) available for liaison and discussion with outreach staff.
It is also expected that, when requesting outreach support, schools/providers make a commitment to act upon any recommendations made by Outreach staff.
In cases where the additional equipment needs of an individual child are identified and form part of outreach recommendations, any funding implications which cannot be met from within the school’s delegated budget and/or statement funding, should be discussed with SENAT.